What We Offer
One of the key pillars to sustain an effective leadership development process is enhancing individual or team self-awareness. Based on the client's goals, we leverage the best-in-class Leadership Competencies and Personality Assessment Instruments in the market, which can assist you in knowing more about yourself, better understanding your team members, peers, and superiors, and the connection between Thinking - Behavior - Impact/Results in the context of your business dynamics, individual and/or team challenges.
We can integrate these instruments as part of your individual and/or team coaching process, or debrief during 1-2 coaching sessions, as a simple but powerful feedback tool, which can lead to enhanced self-awareness and the definition of top priorities to focus and work on your development plan.
Among several best-in-class instruments utilized with our clients, there are three Leadership assessments, that stand out for their effectiveness when leaders, individuals, and teams require navigating higher levels of complexity and change.
Hogan Leadership Forecast Series
The Leadership Circle Profile
bts Bates Executive Presence 360
Hohan Personality Assessments
Leadership matters. Organizations depend on leaders to make important tactical decisions, respond to market trends, and set a strategic vision. When competent leadership prevails, people and companies prosper. Bad leadership, however, leads to disengaged workers, corporate turmoil, and eventual business failure.
The Leadership Forecast Series, gives leaders a clear understanding of their performance capabilities, challenges, and core drivers. With strategic self-awareness, leaders can more effectively leverage their strengths, avoid behaviors that could get in the way of success, and gain insight into the culture they create for their teams based on their motivators and values.
The Leadership Circle Profile™ (LCP)
The Leadership Circle Profile is a true breakthrough among 360 degree assessments. It is the first to connect a well-researched battery of competencies with the underlying motivations andhabits of thought. It reveals the relationship between patterns of action and the internalassumptions that drive behavior.
LCP goes to the source of behavior to get greater leverage on change. Furthermore, unlikemost leadership 360 degree assessments, which take hours to interpret, LCP integrates all this information in a way that brings the key issues to the surface instantly. The data in LCP reveals itself in seconds. At a glance, the whole gestalt is accessible. It immediately gets your leader in touch with what is working, what is not, and why!
Bates ExPI Executive Presence 360 Assessment
The Bates Model of Executive Presence: A Closer Look
The Bates ExPI™ framework goes beyond superficial qualities like charisma to emphasize deeper, behavior-based aspects of leadership. It categorizes executive presence into three main dimensions:
Character: This dimension reflects the leader’s core values, emotional disposition, and beliefs. It includes qualities like authenticity, integrity, and humility—all of which are essential for building trust and credibility. Confidence is a key component of this dimension, representing a leader’s ability to project self-assurance and decisiveness.
Substance: This dimension relates to the leader’s knowledge, wisdom, and ability to inspire confidence in others. Leaders with strong substance are perceived as knowledgeable and composed. The development of confidence often stems from demonstrated expertise and consistent application of sound judgment.
Style: This involves how a leader engages and communicates with others. Assertiveness falls under this category, emphasizing the importance of speaking up and navigating conflicts constructively. Assertiveness ensures that leaders can express their ideas clearly and inspire collaboration without overpowering others.
The Bates Model underscores that executive presence is shaped not just by how leaders see themselves, but by how they are perceived by those they lead. Leaders must understand the gap between their intentions and the external perception of their actions.
Contact Us for Additional Leadership Assessments :
Myers–Briggs MTBI and FIRo
KDVI, Heidrick and KF 360 ASSESSMENTS.