Our Mission
Enabling Organizational Leaders and their teams to unleash their full leadership potential, while performing and being at their best at the moments that matter.
✓ We assist entrepreneurs, senior executives and their organizations to develop key leadership competencies, improve their leadership effectiveness, organizational culture and drive better business perfromance results.
✓ We are thinking partners that align proven executive and business leadership experience with solid coaching skills.
✓ In a collaborative, thought provoking, and creative executive coaching process we assist our clients to develop their Change Leadership Competencies, and DISCOVER, DEFINE and DRIVE change process effectively.
Our Clients
Entreprenerus, Senior Executives and Top Talent Executives:
✓ Navigating complexity or leading organizations through strategic and critical change, transformation or growth.
✓ Transitioning or onboarding in new leadership roles
✓ Looking to enhance their leadership effectiveness by developing or mastering specific leadership competencies.
✓ Accelerating individual, teams or organizational performance, and manage conflict more effectively
✓ Driving organization transformation, agility, cross-team collaboration and alignment (across functions + business)
Some of the Services We Offer
✓ Individual one-on-one and group executive leadership and business coaching.
✓ Leadership development workshops facilitation in multiples areas of interest, including (i.e. EQ, Strategic Thinking, Conflict Management, Agile Leadershipo, Change Leadership, Conscious Leadership,etc )
✓ Organizational transformation, culture development and change leadership consulting.
✓ Application, debrief and coaching for development of leadership and personality 360 assessment instruments, as such as Hogan (HDS, HPI and MVPI) and the Leadership Circle Profile.
““ I appreciated very much Miguel’s partnership and support through the leadership transition process I had to lead in our organization. His Executive Leadership background and clear understanding of organizational complexity dynamics, facilitated our dialogue and collaboration and assisted me to enhance my self-awareness, learning agility, to reflect and focus on the most important priorities and on the accountability to drive effective actions and execution plans”.”